About Us

At Toei Zukun Laboratory, we seek to pursue what can create for the future and how we can utilize our innovation in imaging technique in practical use.
“Design the Future”; that is the mission of Toei Zukun Laboratory.

“ZUKUN” is a coined word from a german term “zukunft,” which means “future”. Toei Zukun Laboratory has a role as a research department of Toei Digital Center which integrates video post-productions for the Toei group. Our project is not limited to CG, VFX, and post-production, but goes beyound pre-production and production.


Name: | Toei Zukun Laboratory |
Location: | Higashi Ooizumi 2-34-5, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, Japan 178-8666 ACCESS & CONTACT |
TEL: | 81-3-3867-5029(from overseas) 03-3867-5029 (within Japan) |
FAX: | 81-3-3867-5041(from overseas) 03-3867-5041(within Japan) |
Studio: | Toei Tokyo Studio |
Post production: | Toei Digital Center |
Name: | Toei Company Ltd. |
Location: | Ginza 3-2-17, Chuou-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0061 |
Established: | 1949, October 1st. |
Capital | 11.7 billion 7,090,000 2,928 yen |
First section market of Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Stock Exchange | |
President and representative director: | Osamu Tezuka |
Number of employees as of March 1st 2019: | 343 |

西暦 | 研究所沿革 |
2009 | Start “Digital Center preparation room” within Toei Tokyo Studio |
2010 | Start “Zukun Laboratory” within Toei Digital Center |
2011 | Start motion capture permanent studio
Start research development of facial capture system Rejuvenation face retouch YOUTUBE Production of initial head mount camera Planning and production of demo movie “Rebellions” YOUTUBE |
2012 | Development of original facial capture system “Facial Edit System(FES)”
YOUTUBE Start of post recording X facial capture inspection and service YOUTUBE Planning and production of demo movie “Mikoshi” YOUTUBE Broadcast of tv program “Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger” WORKSページ |
2013 | Exhibit at SIGGRAPH 2013
Release of movie “009 no 1: THE END OF THE BEGINNING” WORKSページ |
2014 | Moved the motion capture permanent studio to Toei Tokyo Studio
Introduction of real time composition system “PREVIZION” YOUTUBE Release of movie “Kikaider Reboot” WORKSページ Open a dome video attraction Toei Kyoto Studio Park”Digital Deep Sea Aquarium” WORKSページ |
2015 | Start image based facial capture service
Announce the development status of multi camera type head mount camera YOUTUBE |
2016 | Start research development of virtual production
Development of real time work flow “Unreal Stage” YOUTUBE1 YOUTUBE2 Won the CG World Awards Technology award |
2017 | Start research development of original real time camera tracking and composition system “LiveZ studio”
Selected to Innovative Technologies+ 2017 by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Start research development of multi camera type new version head mount camera |
2018 | Officially announce “Digital Human Project”
Press Broadcast Netflix TV “Mob Pschyco 100” WORKS |
2019 | Launch of LightStage research and development
The first public exhibition of Digital Goshi Takashima at the 3rd AI Expo Tokyo Presentation for a visualization session at Autodesk University Japan 2019 Articles Demonstration of Digital set and LiveZ studio at Toei Kyoto Studio Park Digital Set+LiveZ studio |
2020 |
Launch of new system for LiveZ studio |
2021 |
Increased the amount of cameras & expanded the capture area in the Motion capture Studio Start LightStage service |